Alright, so we probably owe you guys an apology. We admit it, okay? We flaked for a while. We abandoned ship after some rather ropey shit during COVID-19 and we were left with little choice but to risk the rapids. HOWEVER, saying that – we have managed to scrape up the remains of the wreckage and reshape our vessel.
The Void is back, and we'e ready to set sail once again.
So, what can you expect this time around? Well, we've always been an ambitious bunch, and we've cast our eyes on some pretty adventurous carnage for the remainder of this year. That, in essence, means we'll be digging deeper for even more local artists in the alternative world and bringing them their spotlight. We'll also be seeking one-on-one interview spaces as well as live acoustic sessions strictly for The Void.
Sure, 2020 has thrown us to the wolves, but we're ready to stick our middle fingers up and rugby tackle them to the dirt.
We're back for a second round, guys. Are you joining us for the ride?
Oh, and since we've grappled you and made you come this far, we might as well shove this in your face, too. But don't fret – it's essentially a free rag for your hungry eyes. That's right – The Void Quarterly is available to download as a PDF via the website. Just navigate over to the "Magazine" tab and tap the issue to prep the download.
The Void Quarterly is our official magazine that packs in our top artists from the year, along with additional content not featured on the website. With more than just music, we've gone a little further and stuck ourselves in with tattoo artists, vocalists, photographers, studio managers, and plenty more VIP's. Together, as a rather rowdy collective, we've created an edition that will suit any alternative fan.
So, why not pick it up? It's free!
As some of you may know, we are not a large team. In fact – we don't even have a space to call our own. We barely have the bloody domain for crying out loud. BUT – we do have a passion for music, and a love for sharing stories and connecting with artists around the UK.
But, we want to give more. We want to DO MORE.
Of course, being a small team on a platform that makes no money whatsoever, we do reach out in the hope that some of you might just feel sorry for us and give us a few pennies to keep us ticking over. But, we won't make you feel guilty about it. We'll just cry ourselves to sleep each night, I guess.
If you are feeling generous and want to support The Void and its upkeep, then please do consider pledging to our Patreon here. We'll figure out bonuses and special things at some point, we promise.
In the meantime – keep it cool, guys. Look out for one another and keep supporting your local bands.
There's a lot of talent out there. Are we ready to hear them?